Eastern Kendo

A blog on the Eastern Kendo Club and Kendo related issues.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dues for the Year

Hello everyone. Please make sure to have forms filled out and dues turned into me this practcie or at the latest by next tuesday. The forms are available at http://www.midwestkendo.com/events/2007-membership-info.php

Everyone needs to make the chekcs payable to me so I can send one check for the dojo.

Alos, please be sure to complete the form for the Detroit Tournament and send in your fees for testing is you plan to test. Those forms are available from me or in the beginning of the year packet that was given out earlier.

See you all at practice.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Kick off the year party

Thanks to everyone that came out to the kick off the year party. We had a great time and started the year off right. Meeting all of the newer and youngest kenshi was excellent and we must get together again in the summer. Detroit is coming up so let's focus on our kendo and doing the best we can. If the US victory has taught us nothing else it should be that anything is possible if you believe in yourself. I believe that we can do extremely well this year at the tournament and test. See you all in practice. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Annual Red/White Tournament

Thank you to everyone that came out to the first practice of the year. The traditional red/white tournament was held with the red team claiming victory. The most important part of the practice was that everyone came and gave their best kendo. For many of the beginners this was their first experience wihtin this realm and they did great. Detroit is closer than we think so let's continue to practice hard and prepare for the tournament. The kick off party is this weekend. If you do not have directions please email Charlie or I. Hope to see everyone there. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope everyone has a great year of kendo and everything else. We are starting our 10th year as a club and I am extremely excited to begin the year with everyone. The Detroit tournament is only 6 weeks away so keep coming to practice and practice hard. We will also be having a beginning of the year party at my house. Stay tuned to the email list for more information. See you all on the floor. Cheers!