Eastern Kendo

A blog on the Eastern Kendo Club and Kendo related issues.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

In Conclusion...

A handful of us got together last night for a "secret practice." It was one of the world's worst-kept secrets because we told everybody last week that we'd meet at the gym and, if it was open, practice. If it was closed, go to the bar. Either way, go to the bar.

Well, guess what? It was open! So, I, Wakabayashi-san, Ellison-san and Brian-san practiced hard for an hour and then went to EMU's pretty much official second dojo, The Tower Inn for a couple of pops. (Joe Ponchart strained his back shoveling snow and couldn't make it - get better, Joe!) Great practice, great conversation afterwards. One topic: will modern China ever experience a political revolution and how would it compare to revolutions in France, Russia and the United States? Other topics: marriage and children, suriashi and balance, and bogu (Brian got three versions of "the bogu hump talk," all at once!).

It also marked one of the last times we'll be seeing Ellison for a while, as the chap is getting married and moving to South Bend. Don't cross him off your list yet, though, as he will be appearing at various get-togethers at EMU, Battle Creek, Detroit and who-knows-where. I don't know if you know this, but John and I have an ongoing rivalry. It seems when one of us beats the other for an evening's or morning's ippon shobu, that lasts about a week before the other wins the honor back. Over time we have come to jokingly imagine that we are trading back and forth a private trophy that we call "the dirty cup" or "the spitoon of destiny" or "the ash tray of victory" and whatnot. Well, I have to confess that Ellison and I had it out for the last time in 2007 and he currently holds the Grail of Debauchery. Guard it well, John! It's a great honor - but a heavy responsibility. And meanwhile I'll be training like Mr. T in Rocky III to get it back.

Anywho, have a great holiday everybody. Stay active, practicing if you can or hitting the track, the weights, callisthenics, etc. Let's come back soaring in Ought-Eight.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Beginning of the year

Happy holidays everyone and I hope that you have a great New Year's Eve. The first practice of the new year will be our annual red/white tournament and practice. Please be sure that you are prepared to practice hard this first practice. The first practice of the year will be on Tuesday January 8th at our normal practice facility. Also, the kick off party will take place on Saturday January 12th at my house. Details will be available at the first practice or through the email list. If you are not on the list please email me at ericabbey at hotmail dot com to be included on the list. Until then, Happy Holidays and have a Great New Year! Cheers!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Student Tournament

There has been a new tournament announced that is being sponsored by the Midwest Kendo Association and being held in Chicago on March 15th. This tournament is called the Student tournament and is open only to those in middle school, high school and undergraduate institutions. We have a few of those and I would like to make sure that everyone who fits into this category cal attend. March 15, 2008 in Chicago. See you all tonight.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

End of the year events

Hello everyone. Our last practice of the year will be this upcoming Tuesday. The University will close down until the third week of January. Please come on out to this final practice. Also, UofMs final practice of the year will take this Saturday along with Detroit kendo's practice. Hopefully we can have some people attend. In the new year we have the Ontario University Taikai in January and the Detroit Open taikai on February 15th and 16th. Please be prepared to attend the Detroit taikai especially and if you can volunteer to help please let me know. Also, be on the lookout for our start of the year party so that we can begin the year right. All Eastern and UofM participants are welcomed. Over the break please be sure to focus on movement from the Hara(center) and focusing on attacking with conviction (sutemi). The beginning of the year starts very quickly and this will be the focus at the start. Have a great holiday and remember that Kendo will always be here. Cheers!