Eastern Kendo

A blog on the Eastern Kendo Club and Kendo related issues.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Fight Like Hell

Practice update for 4/25/06 practice.

We missed Eric last night, who went home ill after class. (Hope you got my message, Eric. Oh, and call me about Family tourney thingie that Ken brought to my attention.)

Let's recap what we did:

Kihon. Again working on kahanshin. The drills we focused on included men-men - no extra steps, you get two cuts with kahanshin! Also, men-tai-atari-men and just men-tai-atari; again, focusing on hitting with the guts and not the chest and stiff arms. Everybody did great.

Then we worked a few rounds on tokui ("favorite") waza - any waza you wanted or situation. Some of the areas where I worked with people included fighting for control while in tsuba-zeriai, cutting straight out of sonkyo in shiai, and some weird nito thing!

Last, we agreed we were all pretty fired up from Cleveland and wanted to work more on competitive kendo. I suggested the best way to get better at shiai was to get beat up. So, we had ten bogu people, we did ten rounds of jigeiko, minute and a half each, with the admonishment to "fight like hell." I'm proud of Eastern, you guys showed game for those ten rounds and good kiri-kaeshi at the end.

Also, most of us stuck around for kata practice, something I personally would like to do more of. Let's work on it whenever we can and you advanced people let's find time to work on it outside of regular practice sessions (you know, with all that free time we have laying around).

So, great practice, guys. But remember, when I say, "WHOSE HOUSE IS THIS?!" don't leave me hanging or give me a wimpy reply!


Blogger eric said...

Sounds like a great practice. I will give you a call Charlie. I feel a bit better, just lost my voice now. Stupid sinus infections. Anyway, keep it up. See you all next week.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Charlie Kondek said...

Something's going around. Lou had a cold, I got the cold. Not being able to breathe through my nose completely last night was a treat! There's also a flu/fever going around. Sheesh! Next, instead of complaining about illness, we'll be complaining about the heat. haha!

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could have been there guys. I will be out until the end of June, I have a class on Tuesday nights. Consequently, Troy will be out also, he's got soccer as well. We hope to pick up some practices at U of M and Northville once they start again.

We will also miss the Family Tourney again this year, we are putting the docks in up in Traverse. My father- in-law will lose face if he doesn't have them in before the middle of May.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Charlie Kondek said...

C'est la guerre, my friend! You will be missed.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Charlie Kondek said...

You have a great attitude, Ken. I watched your fight and, honestly, you're being too hard on yourself. Both your opponents were fast. I, too, need to work on this, and, for me, I still think the best way is to get whipped on by Eric, Ichki, Murakami, etc. As well as, of course, basics, basics, basics. We'll talk more at practice.

8:49 AM  

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