Eastern Kendo

A blog on the Eastern Kendo Club and Kendo related issues.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Michigan Family Tournament

Hello everyone,

This year's Michigan Family Tournament will be on Sunday May 20th at our regular practice location. We are expecting a great turnout again with all of the Michigan dojo's participating. This will be our third year hosting this event and it gets better and better every year. The tournament is free to participate in and the banquet after the tournament is just $20. This is also a a great time to meet everyone in the Michigan Kendo community and practice for upcoming tournament throughout the year. We hope to see everyone there! Cheers!

Forms will be available shortly.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Cleveland 2007

Hello everyone,

The Cleveland tournament is just around the corner and registration is due this tuesday. If you are planning on attending please bring your check book to practice so that we can register you for the event. I am going and hopefully we will have a full team. If you have any questions about hotels or banquet please see the Kendo Club at the University of Michigan's website at http://www.umich.edu/~umkendo/tournament.html This will be another great tournament. See you at practice. Cheers!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Picture from Detroit Taikai

What a great picture of Eastern kendo with our sensei. The list of people in the front from left to right. The Japanese Consulate of Detroit, Harada sensei, Tagawa sensei, Matsumoto sensei. The rest of the folk you know or will know soon. See you all at practice.