Red/White Tournament 2011
So the year got off to a great start with our annual Red/White tournament. The first practice of the year saw a good deal of kenshi from around Michigan visiting and participating. Thansk to everyone for the hard practice and the good fights. The White team walked away victorious for the first time in a long time. Congratulations to everyone. A couple of points to remeber; be sure to create a goal for yourselves for the year. The club goal is that of tenouchi, or the actual cut. This si the focus for this year, cutting the aite not just hitting. Figure something out for yourselves as well. Also, dues are due to Charlie for the Midwest and All United States Kendo Federations. These are extremely minimal ammounts if you consider what other martial arts cost. The Detroit taikai is Feburary 13th witht he test on Feb. 12. Deadline for teststing if Jan 31st to me so please be sure I know if you are planning on testing or not. The videos of the Red White matches will be up shortly ont he you tube site. Haven't been there yet? Go to See you on the floor.