Behold the Power of Tenouchi

See that purply splotch on my arm? That is a bruise from a blow to the kote. This either came from Abbey-sensei or our good friend Jordan "the Soviet" Bouchard. I'm pretty sure it was from Abbey-sensei when we were doing the kaeshi and nuki drills.
In those drills, recall, Abbey-sensei was emphasizing tenouchi - grip, snap - to make ippon. It's not enough to just cut, but to cut with tenouchi and zanshin. I think this one was from one of those exchanges, and it hit me right through a spot covered by kote, and it did so because of Abbey's tenouchi.
Am I saying we need to be leaving bruises on our opponents? Well, yes, if that opponent breaks in to our dojo waving a Soviet flag (kidding!). No, what I'm really saying is this simply demonstrates tenouchi in an illustrative way.
Man, that looks good. Hopefully that will heal up nicely. I like the fact your fingers are in a shinai grip position as you demonstrate. At least it was accurate.
I noticed that after we took the pic, about the fingers! There's also another one you can't see in that pic, higher up - also on an area covered by kote - probably from the same drill (I think it was kote kaeshi kote/hiki kote). But same thing - a long red line where you put the hammer down.
It'll heal fine. I've had these kinds of marks before! that what I'm missing!
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