Not Goodbye but "See You Later"

There's an old kendo saying. "If you keep doing kendo, you will see me again." I hear people, even people from very far away, say this at seminars and, to me, it's very true. We're all on the kendo road and the faces become very familiar, transcending individual dojo or even countries.
I think I speak for all of us when I say we've always been proud of Amy's perseverance and fighting spirit. This morning, our last asa gaiko together for a while, was a perfect illustration: we had a harsh sanpon-shobu, during which I smashed her hand up pretty good trying for kote (sorry!). She had a good bruise on its way when she left practice - on her way to work, where she must SEW with that hand, and then to a gig later on playing sax with her quintet, again, with a busted up hand. (Ugly Mug, 8:00, Ypsi, if anyone can make it!)
But that's just like Amy, to wince and keep striving, keep fighting. Ganbare, Amy! We will see you again.
AAAAWWWWW. I almost don't know what to say. I will miss all of you. This kendo club has been like a strange form of family to me for quite a while. I will stay in touch, and I'll try to visit every once in a while.
Oh, and the hand injury got much better with some ice, it made the big bump go away pretty quickly. So all worked out well. Now its not even bothering me. It's just a funny shade of purple.
By the way, you gave me a good hiki men to the NECK. So I had that all day. No comparison, I know, and it was my own damn fault for head-bobbing from a hiki-men but I thought you might appreciate that.
By the way, doesn't everyone's family encourage each other and hit each other with sticks as recreation? No? Oh... :D
Hey Amy,
Good luck in everything you do in the future. Be sure to keep kendo in your heart and mind. Sorry about missing the gig. See you later.
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